The Borg Lab

Richard Roberts

About Me

I'm a PhD candidate in Robotics at Georgia Tech.  My research interests are in robot vision for high-speed autonomous mobility.  I'm currently working on autonomous driving using instantaneous image motion.  This is related to optical flow but is not exactly, because we don't have to compute optical flow first!

I'm also heavily involved in development of GTSAM, our group's high-performance and easy-to-use C++ (and Matlab-wrapped) library for robot smoothing and mapping and general incremental nonlinear least-squares optimization.

See below for current projects & papers

Past projects

Learning behaviors Mobile manipulation
Educational robot software Finite-element analysis and Cichlid jaw strength

Additional links

My calendar availability

Journal Papers

Williams S, Indelman V, Kaess M, Roberts R, Leonard J, Dellaert F
Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing: A Parallel Architecture for Real-Time Navigation and Full Smoothing, Williams, Stephen, Indelman Vadim, Kaess Michael, Roberts Richard, Leonard John, and Dellaert Frank , (2014)
Kaess M, Johannsson H, Roberts R, Ila V, Leonard J, Dellaert F
International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)
iSAM2: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping Using the Bayes Tree, Kaess, Michael, Johannsson Hordur, Roberts Richard, Ila Viorela, Leonard John, and Dellaert Frank , International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), (2012)
Roberts R, Pippin C, Balch T
Journal of Field Robotics
Learning Outdoor Mobile Robot Behaviors by Example, Roberts, Richard, Pippin Charles, and Balch Tucker , Journal of Field Robotics, Volume 26, Issue 2, (2009)

Conference Papers

Roberts R, Dellaert F
5th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles (PPNIV13)
Optical Flow Templates for Superpixel Labeling in Autonomous Robot Navigation, Roberts, Richard, and Dellaert Frank , 5th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles (PPNIV13), 11/2013, Tokyo, Japan, (2013)
Srinivasan N, Roberts R, Dellaert F
International Conference on Computer Vision Systems
High Frame Rate Egomotion Estimation, Srinivasan, Natesh, Roberts Richard, and Dellaert Frank , International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 07/2013, Volume 7963, p.183-192, (2013)
Indelman V, Roberts R, Dellaert F
IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV)
Probabilistic Analysis of Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment, Indelman, Vadim, Roberts Richard, and Dellaert Frank , IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV), 01/2013, (2013)
Indelman V, Roberts R, Beall C, Dellaert F
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment, Indelman, Vadim, Roberts Richard, Beall Chris, and Dellaert Frank , British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 09/2012, (2012)
Roberts R, Ta D-N, Straub J, Dellaert F
Unmanned Systems Technology XIV - SPIE Defense; Security; and Sensing
Saliency Detection and Model-based Tracking: a Two Part Vision System for Small Robot Navigation in Forested Environment, Roberts, Richard, Ta Duy-Nguyen, Straub Julian, and Dellaert Frank , Unmanned Systems Technology XIV - SPIE Defense; Security; and Sensing, 04/2012, (2012)
Kaess M, Williams S, Indelman V, Roberts R, Leonard J, Dellaert F
Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing, Kaess, Michael, Williams Stephen, Indelman Vadim, Roberts Richard, Leonard John, and Dellaert Frank , FUSION, (2012)
Roberts R, Sinha SN, Szeliski R, Steedly D
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2011)
Structure from motion for scenes with large duplicate structures, Roberts, Richard, Sinha Sudipta N., Szeliski Richard, and Steedly Drew , IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2011), June, Fort Collins, CO, (2011)
Kaess M, Johannsson H, Roberts R, Ila V, Leonard J, Dellaert F
iSAM2: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping with Fluid Relinearization and Incremental Variable Reordering, Kaess, Michael, Johannsson Hordur, Roberts Richard, Ila Viorela, Leonard John, and Dellaert Frank , ICRA, (2011)
Kaess M, Ila V, Roberts R, Dellaert F
The Bayes Tree: An Algorithmic Foundation for Probabilistic Robot Mapping, Kaess, Michael, Ila Viorela, Roberts Richard, and Dellaert Frank , WAFR, Dec, (2010)
Mottaghi R, Kaess M, Ranganathan A, Roberts R, Dellaert F
Place Recognition-based Fixed-lag Smoothing for Environments with Unreliable GPS, Mottaghi, Roozbeh, Kaess Michael, Ranganathan Ananth, Roberts Richard, and Dellaert Frank , ICRA, (2008)
Roberts R, Nguyen H, Krishnamurthi N, Balch T
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA
Memory-Based Learning for Visual Odometry, Roberts, Richard, Nguyen Hai, Krishnamurthi Niyant, and Balch Tucker , IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, (2008)

Technical Reports

Kaess M, Ila V, Roberts R, Dellaert F